

STXs: Security Token Exchanges

STXs: The evolution of STOs

What are STXs?, How are STXs different from ICOs?, How ILP Abogados can help you with STXs?


The world of finance is constantly evolving and the emergence of new technologies has opened up a range of investment possibilities.

Among these innovations, STOs (Security Token Offerings) have revolutionized the way companies raise capital. They are public offerings of digitized securities that are issued on a blockchain and represent assets or rights to a project, such as shares in a company, property rights to real estate or even access to specific services or products.

Within the STO ecosystem, a new variant has emerged, the STXs (Security Token Exchanges), which offer companies an innovative alternative to traditional public offerings (IPOs).

What are STXs?

STXs (Security Token Exchanges) are decentralized digital platforms that allow the purchase, sale and exchange of STOs (Security Token Offerings); that is, security token offerings, digital assets that represent rights to real or intangible assets.

Unlike traditional STOs, which were limited to fundraising, STXs offer a secondary market for the trading of tokens, which increases their liquidity and attractiveness to investors.

They operate in a similar way to traditional stock exchanges, but with the particularity that only tokenized digital assets are traded.

In other words, STXs act as secondary markets for STOs, where investors can buy and sell these tokens in a secure and transparent manner. This brings greater liquidity to STOs and makes them more attractive to a wider audience.

The STX market is in its infancy, but is experiencing rapid growth. Over the next few years, STXs are expected to establish themselves as a fundamental tool for investing in digital assets.

How are STXs different from ICOs?

ICOs (Initial Coin Offering) were one of the first forms of blockchain-based financing; however, ICOs have been plagued by regulatory and fraud issues. STXs, on the other hand, are subject to stricter regulations and offer greater protection to investors.

The main differences between STXs (Security Token Exchanges) and ICOs (Initial Coin Offerings) are as follows:

  1. Regulation:

STXs are subject to stricter regulations, similar to those of traditional stock exchanges. This means they must comply with more stringent licensing, KYC (Know Your Customer) and AML (Anti-Money Laundering) requirements.

ICOs, in general, are not subject to specific regulations, which has generated problems of fraud and lack of transparency.

  1. Assets:

STXs trade security tokens (STOs), which represent real assets such as stocks, bonds or real estate. These tokens are backed by tangible underlying assets and offer legal rights to investors.

ICOs offer utility tokens, which do not represent any real assets and do not grant legal rights to investors. The value of these tokens is usually based on speculation and expectation of future use.

  1. Investor protection:

STXs offer greater protection to investors due to stricter regulations and the nature of security tokens.

ICOs offer less investor protection due to the lack of regulation and the speculative nature of utility tokens.

  1. Liquidity:

STXs, being regulated and offering real-backed security tokens, tend to have higher liquidity than ICOs.

The liquidity of ICOs can be variable and depends on the popularity of the project and market interest.

Advantages of STXs:

STXS have greater accessibility, as they eliminate the barriers to entry typical of initial public offerings (IPOs), allowing companies of any size and sector to access global financing.

The existence of a secondary market favors liquidity. Token trading reduces the risk for investors and increases the attractiveness of the investment.

STXs are more efficient as they reduce costs and red tape, streamlining the financing process and making it more efficient.

Blockchain technology ensures transparency and traceability of transactions, which increases investor confidence.

STXs have the potential to revolutionize the way companies finance themselves, opening up a range of possibilities for startups, SMEs and large companies alike. Startups can access early-stage financing without the need for large investment rounds or the need to give up significant control of their company. In turn, SMEs can diversify their funding sources and access capital from global investors. Finally, large companies can explore new avenues of financing for specific projects or international expansions.

How ILP Abogados can help you with STXs?

The world of STOs and STXs is complex and ever-changing. As such, it is essential to have the advice of a specialist lawyer to help you navigate this environment safely and successfully.

ILP Abogados has a team of lawyers specialized in legal advice on STOs and STXs, covering all phases of the process (issuance of STOs, preparation of the whitepaper and registration in an STX) in order to ensure that your project complies with all current regulations.

If you are interested in learning more about STXs and how ILP Abogados can help you, do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to assist you and answer all your questions.

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STOs: A new form of financing for companies and projects

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