07.10.2024 | 41 Views
07.10.2024 | 16 Views
Fire Sale or Strategic Move? Navigating the Minefield of Productive Unit Transfers in Spanish Insolvency Law
14.10.2021 | 450 Views
Types and stages of the sale of the Productive Units
20.07.2021 | 429 Views
Claims for rescission of the debtor’s actions
04.05.2021 | 155 Views
To whom correspond the legal costs for the assistance and representation of the insolvency administrator?
05.04.2021 | 152 Views
The reintegration and its effects in debt refinancing agreements
15.03.2021 | 502 Views
The effects of a bankruptcy proceeding
15.03.2021 | 317 Views
Debts of the natural person: The unsatisfied liabilities of the natural person in insolvency proceedings and a practical advice for those of you who are in this situation.
09.03.2021 | 78 Views
Major inadequacy as a cause of guilty qualification
09.03.2021 | 506 Views
Necessary Insolvency Proceedings and the hasty or ruinous liquidation of assets by the debtor.
08.03.2021 | 571 Views
What does the pars condictio creditorum mean?
05.03.2021 | 201 Views
Liability for aggravation of insolvency
05.03.2021 | 289 Views
Practical Guide to the creditor´s agreement
17.02.2021 | 203 Views
Non-compliance with the duty to file for insolvency proceedings
16.02.2021 | 800 Views
The 7 keys to file for insolvency proceedings
15.02.2021 | 282 Views
Pre-pack in the Spanish insolvency procedure
11.09.2020 | 99 Views
Can a bank be responsible for the debts of the companies it refinances?
18.06.2020 | 895 Views
New Spanish Bankruptcy Law
18.06.2020 | 304 Views
Termination of contracts in the Bankruptcy Procedure
16.06.2020 | 564 Views
Parent Company, Subsidiaries and Bankruptcy Procedure
12.06.2020 | 138 Views
Refinancing Operations, subordinated debt of the Bank
12.06.2020 | 361 Views
The dissolution of a Company due to the paralysis of its corporate bodies.
11.06.2020 | 241 Views
The acquisition of the Production Unit in the Bankruptcy Procedure
11.06.2020 | 245 Views
Workers in Bankruptcy Procedure (rights, privileges and FOGASA)
09.06.2020 | 135 Views
Unjustified patrimonial sacrifice, period of suspicion and temporal proximity
09.06.2020 | 3958 Views
Covenant and waivers. What are they?
09.06.2020 | 296 Views
Bankruptcy procedure of natural persons
05.06.2020 | 77 Views
What do you need to know before you enter a Bankruptcy Procedure?
05.06.2020 | 138 Views
How to acquire a company without debts/encumbrances in a bankruptcy procedure?
04.06.2020 | 627 Views