15.04.2021 | 322 Views
13.04.2021 | 94 Views
Retroactivity in the reception of works fornon-compliance by the construction developer
13.04.2021 | 156 Views
The risks of indemnifying those who generate clientele
08.04.2021 | 498 Views
Compensation for clientele: gross or net? unamortized investments?
08.04.2021 | 233 Views
Compensation for Clients: What is there to compensate? Supplier’s Enrichment. Debtor’s losses.
05.04.2021 | 143 Views
The reintegration and its effects in debt refinancing agreements
31.03.2021 | 216 Views
Extinction of a distribution contract: Unfair Competition?
29.03.2021 | 1093 Views
The liability of the natural person representing the company acting as a director
26.03.2021 | 5223 Views
Redhibitory action, hidden defects and different performance
24.03.2021 | 772 Views
The parties’ power of disposition over the proceeding. Withdrawal and renunciation
23.03.2021 | 459 Views
The power of disposition of the parties over the proceeding. Acquiescence and filing of the case due to lack of purpose
18.03.2021 | 260 Views
The convening of meetings in acephalous companies
18.03.2021 | 142 Views
Acephalous Corporations
15.03.2021 | 492 Views
The effects of a bankruptcy proceeding
15.03.2021 | 313 Views
Debts of the natural person: The unsatisfied liabilities of the natural person in insolvency proceedings and a practical advice for those of you who are in this situation.
09.03.2021 | 69 Views
Major inadequacy as a cause of guilty qualification
09.03.2021 | 493 Views
Necessary Insolvency Proceedings and the hasty or ruinous liquidation of assets by the debtor.
08.03.2021 | 543 Views
What does the pars condictio creditorum mean?
05.03.2021 | 193 Views
Liability for aggravation of insolvency
05.03.2021 | 282 Views
Practical Guide to the creditor´s agreement
04.03.2021 | 172 Views
Mandatory transfer of shares or partnership participations
02.03.2021 | 604 Views
Annual Financial Statements: Does the Auditor’s “disclaimer of opinion” in his report violate the requirement to audit them?
02.03.2021 | 270 Views
Rebus sic stantibus clause in business premises leases after covid-19.
26.02.2021 | 262 Views
When is it necessary to restate the annual accounts?
24.02.2021 | 328 Views
Closing of the register’s data sheet and cancellation of entries
23.02.2021 | 188 Views
Is the expiration of the deadline for the celebration of the Shareholders´meeting significant?
23.02.2021 | 588 Views
Legal challenge of Company’s resolutions and its simultaneous correction
23.02.2021 | 238 Views
Chairman or the Board of Directors? Who convenes the Meeting?
17.02.2021 | 194 Views
Non-compliance with the duty to file for insolvency proceedings
16.02.2021 | 774 Views