

Regulatorio Financiero

Dictionary (Jargon) of Financial Regulatory

Language, jargon, is always an entry barrier for any sector, not just the legal world. The everyday use of imported Anglo-Saxon terms is undoubtedly another barrier to entry.

This paper is intended to be informative rather than scientific in order to help overcome these barriers to entry. This paper is concerned exclusively with the financial regulatory environment.

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We have segmented it into the following collaborations:

Investment Firm Dictionary (Jargon)

Collective Investment Institution Dictionary (Jargon)

Depositories Dictionary (Jargon)

MMF (Money Market Funds/Shadow Banking) Dictionary (Jargon)

Guaranteed Bonds Dictionary (Jargon)

Market Infrastructure Dictionary (Jargon)

Market Abuse Dictionary (Jargon)

Data Protection Dictionary (Jargon)

Index Dictionary (Jargon)

Issuers Dictionary (Jargon)

Payment Services Dictionary (Jargon)

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