

Foreign investment law in Sweden

These are the highlights if you want to know more about Real Estate in Sweden. This entry was drafted by Moll Wendén Law Firm.

This collaboration is a brief step-by-step guidance. In no case it can be considered as legal advice. If you want -or need – legal advice, ask for a lawyer or a law firm. In that case Moll Wendén Law Firm is an excellent option in Sweden.

Foreign Investment Law

For several years Sweden has been encouraging foreign investments. Sweden has plenty to offer to foreign investors such as simple business procedures, low corporate tax rates, good infrastructure and a well-educated labour force and is generally considered to be an attractive country to invest in. Few provisions regarding investments in Sweden distinguish between domestic (Swedish) and foreign investors.

Registration with Government, Authorities and Permits

There are various ways to do business in Sweden. One alternative is for the foreign investor to form an alliance with an existing independent Swedish business on a contractual basis. Another alternative is to run its own business in Sweden – without obtaining any specific authorization. A foreign investor wishing to set up a business in Sweden has the alternative to conduct business via different kinds of partnerships or as a limited company. The latter can be either private or public. Foreign companies also have the possibility to set up a branch office (a local office with an independent administration). The most common way to set up a business in Sweden is to create a Swedish subsidiary (generally a limited liability company) to the foreign company.

There are no requirements for foreign investors to register or obtain authorization for making investments in Sweden. All business units in Sweden are on the other hand subject to registration at the Swedish Companies Registration Office (SCRO) (Sw. Bolagsverket). The public commercial register contains basic information about the legal entity, its business and its representatives. The cost of establishing a Swedish limited liability company is relatively low.

There are no general Swedish restrictions in relation to foreign ownership of shares. In a limited liability company, however, at least half of the board members as well as the managing director must reside within the EEA. But regarding residents from outside the EEA and the managing director, the company may apply for an exemption at the SCRO. Should no board member reside in Sweden, the board must authorize a Swedish resident to receive documents on behalf of the company.

Foreign investors may acquire Swedish real estate for commercial use without applying for governmental permission.

Specific permits and authorizations may be generally required to engage in certain types of businesses and to carry out certain types of activities. Foreign entities are however generally treated as equals to Swedish entities when applying for such permits and authorization.

Registration of beneficial owner

On 20 June 2017, the Swedish parliament enacted a law on the registration of beneficial owners, which came into effect on 1 August 2017 and was based on the EU’s fourth Anti-Money Laundering Directive, which has been implemented or will be implemented in all EU Member States. The law aims to prevent money laundering and the financing of terrorism through an increasing transparency of ownership and control of companies, associations, trusts and other associations (legal persons).  According to the law, a legal entity will be obliged to notify the Swedish Companies Registration Office of its beneficial owners. A beneficial owner is (i) any individual which ultimately owns or controls the legal entity and/or (ii) the individual on whose behalf a transaction or activity is being conducted. The latter is characterized as a person enjoying the benefits of someone else’s action. The duty to notify the Swedish Companies Registration Office will attach to all Swedish legal entities, foreign legal entities operating in Sweden who have not made a corresponding notification in another EEA country, as well as persons domiciled in Sweden who manage trusts or similar legal arrangements. Limited companies listed on a regulated market are among the entities that are exempt from providing notification.

Transfer of Dividends, Interest and Royalties Abroad

There are no restrictions in Sweden regarding the dividends a Swedish corporation may transfer to foreign owners or shareholders, nor are there any restrictions on remittances of interests or of royalties.

In the absence of an applicable double taxation treaty, dividends payments beneficially owned by a foreign person are subject to withholding tax. The tax rate is significantly reduced under most tax treaties. Due to tax treaties dividends paid by a subsidiary in Sweden to its foreign parent company may not at all be subject to Swedish source taxation.

Repatriation Procedures and Restrictions

Investments are not subject to foreign exchange controls and there are no restrictions on repatriation.

Foreign Personnel (permits etc)

The requirements about residence permits and/or work permits for foreign personnel who are to be sent to Sweden depend on whether they are EU/EEA citizens or not.

EU/EEA citizens do not need work permits to work in Sweden. However, generally a residence permit (which will formally record the individuals for tax and social benefit purposes) is required for any citizen visiting or staying in Sweden for more than three months.

Non-EU/EEA citizens must obtain work permits to work in Sweden. The work permit must be obtained before arriving to Sweden. It is quite difficult for non-EU/EEA citizens to obtain a Swedish work permit. However, work permits may be granted in cases of temporary shortage of labour or if the work requires employees with specialist knowledge whose equivalents are hard to find on the Swedish employment market. An application for work permit shall include housing provisions, guarantees of work and minimum wages. Work permits are initially granted for a one-year period but may be extended. Specific additional requirements may apply depending on the nationality and domicile of the foreign individual. Like EU/EEA citizens, non-EU/EEA citizens need a residence permit to stay in Sweden for longer consecutive periods than three months. For stays shorter than three months a residence permit is not needed but instead a visa may be required for some foreign citizens.

Generally, foreign citizens are subject to the same taxes as the Swedes. Taxes for foreign key personnel may be reduced.


There are a wide range of investment incentives provided by the Swedish Government and regional authorities, e.g. grants such as regional development support. Most of these incentives are available to foreign as well as Swedish investors.

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