
Publications related to the legal field and the professional practice of this law firm. This section combines printed and digital content. This is a selection of our latest issues. Download and take a look.




Collective Work (informative and non-scientific) written by 20 Law firms from 20 countries on investment, taxation and employee relations Year 2020.

Financial Regulatory Area

ILP Abogados provides quality legal advise on matters related to regulatory issues in financial services. This Brochure contains the range of services offered.

Debt Collection Case 2

Brochure of ILP Law Firm' Debt Collection Practice Area. It contains actual data of the historical recovery rates of this law firm.

Compendium 2019

Collective Work (informative and non-scientific) written by 20 Law firms from 20 countries on investment, taxation and employee relations Year 2019.

Jurisprudencia de Juntas

Compilation of the most relevant and recent Spanish Rulings applicable to the AGM of Companies.

Compendium 2018

Collective Work (informative and non-scientific) written by 20 Law firms from 20 countries on investment, taxation and employee relations Year 2018.

Casos Riesgos Penales

A selection of three (fiction) cases on Prevention of Criminal Risks. (Compliance)

Casos Compliance

Examples of (fiction) cases in which the reader must interpret the application of the most elementary rules of compliance
Desafía a nuestra IA: Preguntas complejas, respuestas expertas.