18.01.2021 | 325 Views
11.01.2021 | 163 Views
Liability for unauthorized use of credit cards
15.09.2020 | 608 Views
Is the civil liability of the managers extinguished by a criminal acquittal?
15.09.2020 | 493 Views
What is meant by negligent performance of the directorship?
11.09.2020 | 100 Views
Can a bank be responsible for the debts of the companies it refinances?
28.07.2020 | 120 Views
Can liability action and director’s liability action be joined in the same lawsuit?
24.07.2020 | 323 Views
Directors’ liability for the Company’s debts
16.07.2020 | 315 Views
Between the duty of Loyalty and the duty of Diligence: The desired Directors’ “Space of Immunity”
12.07.2020 | 1783 Views
Tag along and drag along clauses
03.07.2020 | 375 Views
Call Option and Option Contract
03.07.2020 | 9896 Views
Limits to the autonomy of will in contracts
01.07.2020 | 1074 Views
Out-of-court settlements
29.06.2020 | 382 Views
Bad Faith in Challenging Company Resolutions (2020)
23.06.2020 | 1096 Views
Can a promise of sale be unilaterally resolved if the buyer does not pay on time?
18.06.2020 | 305 Views
Termination of contracts in the Bankruptcy Procedure
12.06.2020 | 138 Views
Refinancing Operations, subordinated debt of the Bank
12.06.2020 | 1110 Views
Lifting the corporate veil
11.06.2020 | 16303 Views
Are Simulated contracts null and void?
10.06.2020 | 511 Views
Execution and Garnishment
09.06.2020 | 137 Views
Unjustified patrimonial sacrifice, period of suspicion and temporal proximity
05.06.2020 | 344 Views
Prescription of legal actions due to non-contractual responsibility when there are joint defendants
04.06.2020 | 1007 Views
A Practical Guide to Directors Liability
04.06.2020 | 237 Views
Insolvency liability of the natural and legal person
02.06.2020 | 379 Views
Requirements for the cassation appeal admission
01.06.2020 | 417 Views
Effective judicial protection and suspension of administrative acts’ execution
29.05.2020 | 626 Views
Relevant accounting irregularities
29.05.2020 | 274 Views
Plurality of creditors as a requirement for the declaration of a bankruptcy procedure
29.05.2020 | 2329 Views
How do you sue a liquidated company? 4 Judgments and 1 Funeral
29.05.2020 | 117 Views
The Express Bankruptcy Procedure
29.05.2020 | 678 Views