Ines Matoso

Matoso, Inês



Inês belongs to Sousa Machado, Ferreira da Costa & Associados (SMFC), since 2016, an independent law firm which usually collaborates with ILP Law Firm.

Prior to joining SMFC, Inês was In-House Lawyer in Tax Department of Banif Banco de Investimento, S.A.

Member of the Portuguese Bar Association since 2012


Master’s Degree in Financial and Tax Law, University of Lisbon Law School, with a dissertation on “Anti-tax haven rules: Portuguese regime” (2018)

Advanced Post-Graduation Course in “Application of the Anti-Abuse Rules”, Institute of Economic, Financial and Tax Law (IDEFF), University of Lisbon Law School (2016)

Advanced Post-Graduation Course in Tax Law, Institute of Economic, Financial and Tax Law (IDEFF), University of Lisbon Law School (2013)

Post-Graduation Course in Tax Law, Institute of Economic, Financial and Tax Law (IDEFF), University of Lisbon Law School (2009-2010)

Law Degree, University of Lisbon Law School (2009)

International Taxation Summer Course at the University of Münster – Germany (2008)


Tax Law


English, French and Spanish

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