

MiCA in fintech startups

The impact of MiCA on Spanish fintech startups: new challenges and opportunities

By María Sanz González, lawyer and expert in commercial and financial regulatory law, with more than 10 years' experience advising different regulated companies.


The fintech sector in Spain has experienced exponential growth in recent years, driven by technological innovation and demand for new financial services. However, this dynamic ecosystem is facing a new challenge: the entry into force of the Markets in Cryptoassets Regulation (MiCA), a European regulatory framework aimed at regulating the market for cryptocurrencies and other digital assets.

What is MiCA and why is it important for Spanish fintech startups?

MiCA is a pioneering global regulation that seeks to create a clear and secure legal framework for cryptoassets and their service providers. Its main objective is to protect investors, guarantee the integrity of the market and encourage responsible innovation.

For Spanish fintech startups, MiCA represents both a challenge and an opportunity. Compliance with the new regulatory requirements will require significant investment in resources and adaptation of their business models. Equally, MiCA provides a clear and stable legal framework that can boost investor confidence and facilitate access to the traditional financial market.

MiCA’s main challenges for Spanish fintech startups

Increasing compliance costs represent a significant burden for Spanish fintech startups. The new authorisation, supervision and reporting requirements established by MiCA require a considerable investment in human and technological resources. Startups will have to allocate part of their budget to hiring specialised staff, developing risk management and internal audit systems, as well as implementing reporting tools to enable comprehensive monitoring of their operations.

On the other hand, the regulation covers a wide range of aspects, from the classification of cryptoassets to capital and corporate governance requirements. This complexity makes the rules difficult to interpret and apply, which can lead to uncertainty and increase the risk of errors. Startups will need to keep abreast of constant updates and changes to regulations, which requires ongoing investment in legal advice.

Finally, MiCA sets high standards for security and data protection, forcing fintech startups to review and update their internal systems and processes. Implementing robust and secure technological solutions, such as encrypted data storage systems and multi-factor authentication tools, is essential to comply with the requirements of the regulation.

How can Spanish fintech startups prepare for MiCA?

It is essential that fintech startups carry out a thorough assessment of their business model. This analysis should identify those aspects that require adaptation in order to comply with the requirements established by MiCA.

On the other hand, specialised legal advice is essential to correctly interpret MiCA provisions and apply them appropriately to each specific case. Financial regulatory lawyers can provide valuable guidance to startups, helping them navigate the complexities of the regulatory framework and make strategic decisions.

Investment in technology and human resources is key to meeting the technical and operational requirements set by MiCA. Startups must develop the necessary technological capabilities to implement risk management systems, reporting tools and robust cybersecurity solutions. They also need to have a skilled team that can manage change and adapt to new regulatory requirements.

Likewise, establishing an open and constructive dialogue with regulators is essential to understand the expectations of the authorities and to collaborate in the implementation of MiCA.

In Spain, the regulator (Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores, CNMV) published on 23 July the authorisation manual and the information notification model for cryptoasset service providers.

These documents help companies that want to offer services related to crypto-assets. They explain step by step how to apply for the necessary permits and what documentation and information they have to submit.


In conclusion, MiCA represents an important milestone in the regulation of the cryptoasset sector and will have a significant impact on Spanish fintech startups. While it poses new challenges, it also opens the door to numerous opportunities for growth and development. Startups that proactively adapt to this new regulatory framework will be better positioned to compete in an increasingly global and complex market.

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MiCA: The new era of crypto-asset regulation in the European Union

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