When will I be able to retire to collect 100% of my pension?

It is the big question of the moment. No doubt about it. A large percentage of the Spanish population lives in anxiety when they see the end of their working lives approaching.
Since 2013, the age of access to the retirement pension depends on the age of the subject and the contributions accumulated throughout his working life. In this sense, to be able to access the retirement pension, you must be 67 years old. In exceptional cases, when the applicant has contributed for 38 years and 6 months, he or she may be eligible for a pension at the age of 65. Likewise, there are special cases for which it is possible to obtain the pension in advance.
Notwithstanding the above, access to the retirement pension does not imply the collection of 100% of the pension.
In the following chart, we intend to show the number of years that must be contributed to receive 100% of the pension. Thus, according to the year of birth and the number of years of contributions, the retirement age varies to receive the total retirement pension. (It is in Spanish but easy to follow, from the left to right you will find the following columns: Year of birth. Year in which you are planning your retire. Number of years contributing to the Social Security to receive the 100% of your retirement. Number of years you need to work in order to be retired at 65. Period of time. Where “años” means years and “meses” months).

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The future of our pensions is uncertain. For the time being, the above calculations allow us to estimate the approximate age at which we can afford to retire with access to 100% of the pension. Consequently, in order to obtain the full benefit at the minimum retirement age (67), we must have contributed for 36-38 years. A lifetime.
If this article has been of interest, we also suggest you to read the following article published on our website: Pension Calculation by Spanish Social Security Agency
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